Selby Green Party is looking for your views

Arnold Warneken, Green Party Parliamentary Candidate for Selby & Ainsty, was out on the streets in Selby at the weekend talking to voters young & old. Concerns were raised about a wide range of issues, from improving care for older people, to the payment of illegal wage rates for 18-year olds. The continuing uncertainty about Brexit was regularly mentioned, with the climate crisis a close second.

“Even people who wouldn’t call themselves environmentalists are worried that the government is not reacting to changing weather patterns, loss of biodiversity or communities threatened by fracking.”

“I was in London myself last week with the Yorkshire Remain Voice Choir, coincidentally at the start of the huge Extinction Rebellion rally, and saw protesters ranging in age from newborns to great-grannies, demonstrating their frustration at Tory inaction.”

“Selby Green Party is expanding rapidly, both by attracting previously active members of other parties, and also people who have never been politically active before-we welcome them all!” said Arnold.

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