Chloe Wilcox of Selby Green Party wins Green Hero Award

Selby District Green Party is thrilled to announce that Chloe Wilcox has recently been recognised with a Green Hero Award at the Green Party October Conference in Newport.

Chloe, who at only 14, is the youngest UK Chair of a local Green Party, has campaigned tirelessly to remain in Europe, whilst at the same time fighting to end the climate crisis.

Chloe said “Fitting in all my campaigning alongside school work can be challenging, but I’m determined to ensure there is still a planet worth living on in 20 years time, and the Green Party is the only political party committed to achieving real sustainability.”

“I’m really keen to encourage more under-30s to get involved as Young Greens in the Selby area, supporting our parliamentary candidate Arnold Warneken when the next general election is called, and even training to stand in political roles ourselves to get the views of younger people heard.”

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