The Selby and District Green Party has a monthly online meeting with a meeting in person roughly once a quarter. See upcoming events below for the next meeting dates.
You can support your local party by:
- Joining as a member of The Green Party of England and Wales. You will automatically be joined to your local Party.
- Volunteering for a role as a local party officer. Members are elected to each role on an annual basis at our AGM. Click here to find out more about each role.
- Standing as a candidate for a local council. If you are enthusiastic about supporting your local community and support The Green Party’s main aims and objectives then contact us to find out more about what would be involved.
- Volunteering on an ad hoc basis. If you can’t commit regularly to being a part of the committee, but would like to lend a hand then get in touch. We may call on you if we need help leafletting or canvassing in your local area.
- Ensuring you are registered to vote. In order to vote at any election in the UK, you must be registered.
- Donating to us directly. In the Green Party, we don’t take money from big businesses, but that means that we do have to ask our supporters and party members to contribute individually to our success.