Officer Roles
Each year at our AGM, elections take place for all of our officer roles.
Below is a quick guide explaining what each role entails, as well as how to get in touch with the current officers.
Co-ordinator | coordinator@selby.greenparty.org.uk
The local party Co-ordinator (or Chair) leads and maintains the local party’s agreed overall strategy. They may occasionally act as a spokesperson for the party. The Co-ordinator chairs monthly meetings and our AGM, and prepares and presents a report in the AGM. They are also responsible for setting the agenda for meetings.
Local Contact | contact@selby.greenparty.org.uk
This is the published contact for external enquiries.
Treasurer | treasurer@selby.greenparty.org.uk
The Treasurer oversees the local party’s finances and gives a report at each monthly meeting. They also deliver a comprehensive set of accounts – outlining the past year’s financial activity – at the AGM. The Treasurer keeps up-to-date on the latest legislation and guidance on fundraising, donation and tax requirements, and works closely with the Nominating Officer (Election Agent) and candidates to ensure election spending and donation rules are followed.
Membership | membership@selby.greenparty.org.uk
The Membership Officer is responsible for developing the local party’s engagement levels, and welcomes new members when they join. A report is delivered by the officer at each monthly meeting. They also maintain the list of local members, volunteers and supporters, and respond to any questions about membership that the local party may receive.
Press & Publicity | press@selby.greenparty.org.uk
The Press & Publicity Officer is responsible for responding to incoming press enquiries on behalf of the party. They also identify potential press opportunities (on our social media, website or via third parties such as the Selby Times and the Yorkshire Post) and prepare articles for distribution.
The Secretary works closely with the local party Co-ordinator and Membership Officer to keep the party’s members informed of official meetings. The Secretary is also responsible for minuting meetings.
Nominating officer & Electoral Returning Officer
The Nominating Officer (sometimes referred to as the Elections Officer), is responsible for managing, checking and submitting all paperwork for elections. They also make sure that the local party follows all of the rules associated with running an election campaign.
PPERA Second Officer (PSO)
This role is a requirement of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (PPERA). The PSO has the legal function of being responsible for organising a replacement treasurer should the one in post leave for any reason. It is a critical role, but one which may not be called upon very regularly! The PSO will maintain an understanding of the procedure required to recruit a Treasurer and must be prepared to act at short notice.
Social Media
From sharing relevant news stories to actioning digital campaigns during elections, the Social Media Officer oversees the local party’s digital communications strategy.
Our Website officer oversees the upkeep of the local party’s website, and works closely with Social Media officers and Press officers to distribute relevant, engaging and timely content across platforms.
The Fundraising Officer works closely with the Co-ordinator and Treasurer to identify and implement new income streams for the local party. They are responsible for co-ordinating the approach to achieving sustainable finances to support the party’s activities and election campaigns.